Never Throw Out Another Soft Tennis Ball!!!
Ensure that your Tennis Balls Always Perform like NEW!!! Save Money by using your balls longer

Introducing “Pressureball”
Pressureball is a pressurised tube that not only maintains the bounce in new balls, but will also restore the bounce in balls that have lost their pressure. It is a reusable flexible pressure tube that can hold up to 8 tennis balls.
With Pressureball:
* Your balls will always maintain their correct bounce characteristics.
* Most of your existing soft balls can be rejuvenated to their correct pressure
* You will play better, more consistent tennis.
For those who want to know
Tennis balls are manufactured from a rubber compound and have an internal pressure of around 14psi or 1kg/cm2. The Rubber compound however is slightly porous and so the pressure escapes over time. This results in an increasingly soft ball with decreased bounce. To counteract this, new balls are sold in pressurized containers. Once the container is opened, the balls start to lose their pressure . Pressureball is essentially a reusable version of the point of sale pressure can and as such will stop tennis balls going flat indefinitely.Because the tube can be pressurised to a higher level than the internal pressure of a ball, it will revive soft balls. This process will take from 2 days to a week depending on how soft the balls are. There may also be some variation in the speed of revival depending on the age and brand of the ball .
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